Machine for bags opening from 5 to 40 t/h

aprisacco ASR 1A mod.2500 - bag opener
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aprisacco ASR 1A mod.2500 - bag opener
aprisacco ASR 1A mod.1000 - bag opener
aprisacco ASR 1A mod.2500 - bag opener
materiale contenuto nei sacchi - bags content
aprisacco ASR 1A - bag opener
aprisacco ASR 1A - bag opener

Bag opener ideal for the opening of bags coming from separate plastic collection, urban waste, industrial waste etc.

It' a very high performing machine, with the chance of opening bags greater than 98%.

The gentle perforation of bags keeps unaltered the bags content.

Low ratio performance/electric power.

High solidity of the machine and spare parts.

Performance: 5/40 t/h depending on the input material density and on the machine model.

Schede Tecniche
Bags Opener
Bags Opener

Machine for bags opening from 5 to 40 t/...
